Important End of Year Information: Pro Bono Hours & CLE Credit

Important End of Year Information: Pro Bono Hours & CLE Credit

Thank you so much for your work to help low-income people in our community! Each year, Legal Aid is required to collect volunteer hours and information from our pro bono attorneys, paralegals, students, and other volunteers. This requirement exists regardless of CLE credit. 


This information is relevant to you if—in 2023—you (a) attended a pro bono clinic; (b) worked on a pro bono case; or (c) otherwise volunteered for Legal Aid.


ATTORNEYS: You can receive up to six hours of general pro bono CLE each reporting period. Every six hours of volunteering equates to one hour of general pro bono CLE. Please note that hours must be submitted annually, even if it is your non-reporting year, and no CLE credit will be awarded if we do not receive the required Form 23 by December 31. All pro bono CLE hours will be submitted to the Supreme Court of Ohio by the end of January.


1. CASE REFERRALS–If you are an attorney currently working on a pro bono case referred by Legal Aid OR you have recently completed a referred case, please do the following:

  • Regardless of whether you are seeking CLE, please complete an interim report (still working on the case) or final report (completed the case) by December 31. You can find the report form here
  • If you are seeking CLE credit, make sure you have uploaded a Form 23 to the report. Feel free to use “/s/” for your electronic signature or to sign and scan your form before emailing. 
  • For those of you working on multi-year cases, please note that we are not able to give CLE credit for any hours spent in 2022 if you did not submit your Form 23 last year. 


2. CLINIC VOLUNTEERS/CASE CONSULTS–If you are an attorney or an OSBA-certified paralegal who volunteered at a pro bono clinic in 2023 or consulted with clients and/or staff attorneys:


If you have not completed your clinic reports, it's not too late! 


Also, if you wish to receive CLE credit for your pro bono time at clinics but are not sure what your total hours are, please email us. We will send you your total volunteer hours in mid-December and then you will just need to complete the top half of Form 23 and email it to by December 31. Our office will be closed that day, so if your email is sent that day, it will be deemed timely even if you do not receive a response until the following week.

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